Heres some junk. A comic cover piece that failed... Gonna try and do some covers for the portfolio. This was a quick and unthought out one. Might go back to it, might not. But i definitely want to work on this type of stuff. Might help me land a shot at doing some paintings for a publisher or two down the road.

And i am also taking a CGMW master class online course too. Started 2 weeks again, James Paick is the instructor. Hes the guy to learn environments from i tells ya. My backgrounds are real shit so im hoping ill learn a thing or two from this course. so far we have only done grey scale sketches. Heres mine, kinda bleh. lots of problems, but learnin.

San Francisco is happening soon too! will be there for a week to get a bit of a vacation out of it. stoked!
Awesome stuff, those environments are looking pretty impressive to me. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the course after it's over
Now you're starting to rock environments too, huh? You're becoming more sexy update by update
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